Who We Are
Floating Point is a design studio based in Renens, Switzerland, formed around the collaboration of artist-designers Kylan Luginbühl, Léonard Guyot, Paul Lëon and Valerio Meschi.
During their studies in Media Interaction Design at ECAL (Ecole cantonale d’art de Lausanne), they experimented with emerging technologies and questioned their implications for contemporary society.
Their work takes the form of immersive and interactive installations, virtual and augmented reality experiences, 3D animated films and video games.
They explore, develop and promote a design practice in line with their convictions – design as a way of seeing, studying, understanding, thinking and talking about the world – design as a research tool.
Inspired by science fiction and anthropology, they take a fundamentally critical look at new technologies and their impact on the world of today and tomorrow.
Their mastery of technical tools, the critical aspects of their projects and the aesthetics they develop regularly lead them to intervene in art and design institutions as external speakers or lecturers.

Selected exhibitions – events – articles – featured
MMMAD | Madrid (ES), 2023 | Quantum |
Palais Augmenté | Paris (FR), 2022 | The Looking Glass |
H3K | Basel (CH), 2022 | Fantastic Smartphones |
KIKK Festival | Namur (BE), 2022 | Quantum, Neo Incas |
Numerik Games | Yverdon-les-Bains (CH), 2022 | Tone Alembic |
Noor Riyadh | Riyadh (SA), 2022 | The Looking Glass |
GIFF | Genève (CH), 2021 | Quantum, Neo Incas, Supercity |
KIKK Festival | Namur (BE), 2021 | Fantastic Smartphones |
Palais Augmenté | Paris (FR), 2021 | The Hands |
TLH Théâtre | Sierre (CH), 2021 | Brainwaves |
Milano Design Week | Milan (IT), 2021 | Fantastic Smartphones |
Creative Applications | Online, 2021 | Fantastic Smartphones |
Journée de Soleures | Soleure (CH), 2020 | Quantum, Neo Incas, Supercity |
Numerik Games | Yverdon-les-Bains(CH), 2020 | Quantum, Neo Incas, Supercity |
Mirage Festival | Lyon (FR), 2020 | Quantum |
Dubaï Design Week | Dubaï (AE), 2020 | Bring Your Own Mask |
Yangtze River Delta Expo | Shangaï (CN), 2020 | Bring Your Own Mask |
Creative Applications | Online, 2020 | FRAME Lab, Concrete |
Numerik Games | Yverdon-les-Bains (CH), 2019 | Quantum, Neo Incas, Supercity |
Sensorium Festival | Solvaquie (SK), 2019 | Quantum, Neo Incas, Supercity |
Demo Festival | Amsterdam (NL), 2019 | 3D Motion |
ECAL Research Day | Renens (CH), 2019 | Smartphone Peripheral Companions |
Numerik Games | Yverdon-les-Bains (CH), 2017 | Eclair/Ages |